Thursday, January 20, 2011

tattoo implants

 this passion of body modifications - tattoos, piercings and implants…

this passion of body modifications - tattoos, piercings and implants…

crazy, funny, pics, tattoo

crazy, funny, pics, tattoo

Tattoo of the day. Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tattoo of the day. Wednesday, April 22, 2009

North Atlantic Books,u.s. Spiritual Tattoo: A Cultural History of Tattooing,

North Atlantic Books,u.s. Spiritual Tattoo: A Cultural History of Tattooing,

TattooImplants4.jpg. Posted by joke du jour at 06:21 PM | Comments (1) |

TattooImplants4.jpg. Posted by joke du jour at 06:21 PM | Comments (1) |

“The freckles are left on and, in this case, the tattoos came off.

“The freckles are left on and, in this case, the tattoos came off.

Her new short do uncovered a tattoo running down the back of her neck,

Her new short do uncovered a tattoo running down the back of her neck,

But this guy did both- he had breast implants inserted under his tattoo.

But this guy did both- he had breast implants inserted under his tattoo.

Newly introduced fashion to implant the tattoos in a weird way.

Newly introduced fashion to implant the tattoos in a weird way.

Redneck Belly Tattoo Rednecks really know how to show off and as you can see

Redneck Belly Tattoo Rednecks really know how to show off and as you can see

Actually had implants put in

Actually had implants put in

Jack Armstrong - One Eyed Jack's Tattoos by Patti Jo.

Jack Armstrong - One Eyed Jack's Tattoos by Patti Jo.

Piercings, Scarification, tattoos, suspension, Stretching, Temporary art,

Piercings, Scarification, tattoos, suspension, Stretching, Temporary art,

 of his body is tattooed & runs his own studio in Hawaii.

of his body is tattooed & runs his own studio in Hawaii.

 man who is having his entire body tattooed to look like the living dead.

man who is having his entire body tattooed to look like the living dead.

Tattoos, dermal implants and piercings…this is why alternative people

Tattoos, dermal implants and piercings…this is why alternative people

Troll doll tattoo

Troll doll tattoo

 to fix yourself up after your tattoo's breast implants explode?

to fix yourself up after your tattoo's breast implants explode?

Extreme BTattoos and Tattoo Picture Implants

Extreme BTattoos and Tattoo Picture Implants

Extreme BTattoos and Tattoo Picture Implants

Extreme BTattoos and Tattoo Picture Implants

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